Tuesday 5 May 2009

Westhill Energy Challenge 6 May 09

The Westhill Energy Challenge takes place on Wednesday 6 May and is being hosted by Acergy in the Leisure Centre within their complex on the industrial estate.

· The day involves over 330 pupils, all S1 from Westhill Academy and all P7's from associated schools.

· Pupils will be working in teams of 6, 3 primary and 3 secondary pupils.

· They will be involved in listening to a variety of speakers and taking part in a number of different tasks related to teamwork, communication, name and logo design, energy use etc. The main challenge involves a simulation game about providing the energy requirements for Westhill using different power sources with their different prices and environmental effects.

· The day ties into the P7/S1 transition programme and a number of the Aberdeenshire 3-18 Entitlements – curricular coherence, creative and enterprising experiences, vocational experiences etc. and hits areas of all of the CfE capacities.

· Acergy have been good enough to provide the space and lunch. A variety of other partners are involved from business and across Westhill's Community School Network.